niedziela, 3 stycznia 2016

mini doberman – mini doberman pinscher

mini doberman – mini doberman pinscher

Contrary to popular belief, the mini doberman  was not developed by breeding Doberman Pinschers down to size. In fact, Min Pins are actually a much olde breed than the Doberman. Nicknamed the “King of the Toys,” your Min Pin will also rule as King or Queen of your house. Breeders and owners agree, these little dogs believe they are the center of the universe and expect everyone to cater to their whims.

Mini doberman pinschers have a unique high-step manner of walking which has been likened to a prance, and they ooze confidence wherever they may go. mini doberman pinscher are cuddle bugs who will find their way to your lap the instant you sit on the couch. They do love to run, however, and will sometimes tear through the house for no apparent reason. The mini doberman make excellent watchdogs, sizing up everyone who approaches his kingdom, and requiring all guests earn his trust.


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