niedziela, 3 stycznia 2016

miniature schnauzer – miniature schnauzer puppies

miniature schnauzer – miniature schnauzer puppies

The miniature schnauzer is a breed of small dog of the Schnauzer type that originated in Germany in the mid-to-late 19th century. Miniature Schnauzers developed from crosses between the Standard Schnauzer and one or more smaller breeds such as the Poodle and Affenpinscher, as farmers bred a small dog that was an efficient ratting dog. They are described as spunky but aloof dogs, with good guarding tendencies without some guard dogs’ predisposition to bite. Miniature Schnauzers are recognized in three colors internationally: solid black, black and silver, and a color known as ‘salt and pepper’. There is a controversial fourth color variant in Miniature Schnauzers, pure white, which is not recognized universally.

The American Kennel Club breed standard describes temperament as “alert and spirited, yet obedient to command friendly, intelligent and willing to please never overaggressive or timid. Usually easy to train, they tend to be excellent watchdogs with a good territorial instinct, but more inclined toward barking than biting. They are often aloof with strangers until the owners of the home welcome the guest, upon which they are typically very friendly to them

miniature schnauzer puppies remain one of the most popular worldwide, primarily for its temperament and relatively small size. As of 2013 it is the 17th most popular breed in the U.S.


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